Submitting Business/Writing Applications
You are ready to submit business as a result of field training. Increase your commission level quickly! Your trainer has that goal in mind with you and we are excited about what is going to happen to grow your business.
Submitting Client Applications
Your processor is Courtney Burdick
Your Processor is one of your greatest resources in growing your business.
Submit scanned applications to either:
Fax: 517-215-7053
**If you have questions after submitting business, please email the same email address above.
** Paramed is ordered through the processor.
** Any other records the underwriter might require are ordered through the processor.
** Processing alerts you to any specifics that might need to be completed or changed on your application to make it "cleaner" and move your business in the quickest channels possible.
4% Rule
This was covered in the Agent Webinar with Afortus.
Submit client application to processor.
Fill in 'Agent Report Page' in the application
On 'Agent Report Page' include Courtney Burdick at 4%
Key to fastest IP:
Make your applications complete and accurate before submitting.